Art.CHI 2017

Interactive Media Works

A CHI2017 Exhibition

Banana Kiss: A Participatory Interactive Installation to Enhance Intimacy with Kiss Interaction

Banana Kiss snapshot, a participatory interactive installation showcased during ASU Night of the Open Door

Kissing has been a vital part of human communication since the beginning of time. Banana Kiss is a participatory interactive installation that explores how to enhance intimacy using kissing behavior. Similar to a common photo booth, basic setup of Banana Kiss is two seats in front of DSLR camera, photo lightings, and projection screen. The projection screen is designed to look similar to a Kiss Cam screen layout in major sports events. The screen shows the previous image of the last participants, which allows new participants to intuitively understand what they are expected to do. "Just hold the banana, and Kiss!"

Sanghyun Yoo "Cooper"
Ph.D. Candidate, School of Arts, Media and Engineering, Arizona State University, AZ, USA

Varsha Iyengar
Motion Capture Engineer, Google, CA, USA